Ford is one of those companies that displays an enduring resistance the ails that are all too typical of the modern manufacturing industry as a whole in the United States. After a period of stasis, they began to reinvent themselves in terms of technology and image. No less is true of their online presence. In […]
Category: <span>Featured</span>
Anyone who has spent time typing in URLs has seen some really long, esoteric and seemingly bizarre ones. The ones that look like someone pounded the keyboard’s number and special character region until a thoroughly unmemorable string of characters spilled forth. What you’re seeing in most cases is the raw, automatically generated, database based reference […]
eCommerce wunderkind Amazon really needs no introduction. Its store platform and servers are among the most respected, trusted and stable in the world. Time and time again, Amazon has weathered the online storms from bubbles and crashes, to scaling and security. So you can imagine how delighted I was to learn that they decided to […]
Although the Media library feature in WordPress spends most of its life uploading and storing images and graphics, it actually has quite a bit more functionality. It can serve as storage for various files, both multimedia and traditional. This allows WordPress site owners to provide downloads of documents, embed audio and video files and more. For […]
After working long enough in WordPress you often forget that some of the scenarios you take for granted are actually quite common for new users. A classic example is the “Static Front or Home Page” feature in WordPress. One reason why many users initially think that WordPress is merely a blog platform instead of a […]
The folks over at WP Crown have created a lovely theme called Rocket Wood. It’s a very attractive and dynamic theme with a robust home/landing page that pulls together a lot of elements to immediately catch the fickle eye of visitors. While some might find this approach a bit too busy, it might be just […]
The WordPress community is one of the most prolific and generous groups in the open source community. There are countless themes and plugins all available for no more than the recognition of improving the form and functionality of a platform they believe in. So what happens when a few bad apples decide to take advantage […]
One of the big selling points of WordPress is the fact that many, if not most, users will never need to learn a single line of code. But just as is the case with most things, the more you know, the more you can do. Even a little knowledge can go a long way. One […]
Although many corporate blogs have a generic “face”, smaller sites have long recognized the power of personality. With the steady rise Social Networks over the last few years, many people are realizing the value of Personal Branding and formerly nameless company news releases and posts are suddenly very interested in developing a “voice” that visitors […]
One evolution of the “blog” model has been the rise of New Media outlets. Content Management Systems have placed the power to publish on the internet in the hands of a broader and broader segment of the online community. One manifestation of this is the rise of virtual newspapers and magazines specializing in just about […]