Over the last decade we’ve seen the accelerating rise of dynamic JavaScript and application programming interface (API) functionality in previously static HTML web pages. In some cases, web pages are easily as robust and complicated as older, desktop counterparts. However, for a long time WordPress had not codified option for developers who wanted to bring […]
Category: <span>Tips & Tricks</span>
The Admin Toolbar was introduced back in WordPress 3.1 (trivia points if you know the code name of WordPress 3.1 without looking it up) and people still love it or hate it. On one hand it allows admins and privileged users to quickly access features such as comments or to easily create new posts, pages […]
The topic of advertising on a website can be a sensitive one. To some, it is intolerable under any circumstance, to others it’s just another part of the internet experience. I like to think I fall somewhere in between these two extremes. I realize that many site owners work very hard to create quality content […]
Normally, changing the Category of a Post is as simple as editing and updating the Post in question. But what if we are talking about moving dozen, hundreds or THOUSANDS of Posts? That is a lot of mouse clicking! There is a quicker and easier way. WordPress has a concept known as Default Post Category. […]
Excerpts are short, text only previews of posts that WordPress can use in various places as teasers or introductions. These can be automatically generated or custom tailored when creating a Post. By default these are limited to 55 words, but there is no easy way to increase or decrease this in WordPress settings. With a […]
Though it is considered an aging bit of code by some designers and developers, not to mention the issues Search Engine Optimization folks have with it, the IFRAME still gets a lot of mileage from various users and resources. By default, the WordPress editor strips out the IFRAME and related tags. This can be […]
In the first part of this series, we explained the importance and advantages of using Tags in WordPress posts. We then followed up with how to track down and correct tagless posts on your blog. In this last installment, we’ll take a look at a plugin designed to help high volume publishers or those having limited time […]
In the first part of this series, I explained the importance and advantages of using Tags in WordPress posts. In this next part, I’m going to give you a tool to help track down and correct tagless posts on your blog. Untagged posts are not an uncommon situation and you’re probably not alone among WordPress […]
Before I start singing the praises of Tags, perhaps first an introduction to exactly what Tags are and why you should be using them is in order. Unlike the architectural way many web sites organize content (such as categories, groups, and folders), tags represent the methodology of extracting and emphasizing those terms and short phrases […]
There are a plenty of great reasons to support and encourage visitors to register and become members of your WordPress powered site, but let’s face it, you don’t always want them to land on the “Dashboard” page in WordPress’ backend once they login. This is particularly true if you are concerned about creating a seamless […]