Support Services
Bugs, malware, feature enhancements, optimization and performance issues? It's WordPress can help! A la cart support solutions as well as economic support subscription plans.
We are a full service WordPress agency. Our experts can help establish your technical assets, design and branding elements, online strategy and more. We want to be your go-to solutions provider for projects and needs both big and small.
A website that isn't on top of its game is a liability that can have a steep cost. Whether it's your branding integrity, your message, product sales or lead generation, you can't afford to tolerate problems or let your website fall behind the ever evolving internet landscape.
Let us take care of that business, so you can take care of your business.
Falling behind current releases of ANY software is security risk and degrades performance. We examine your existing site including themes, extensions, plugins and determine how to best update your WordPress version without jeopardizing all you've worked hard to build.
Not satisfied with some aspect of your existing site? We can perform the fine-tuning that makes it just the way you want. Whether it is some design limitation you've been struggling with or just that last 2% you need for it meet your standards, we've got you covered.
Social networks are the single largest and fastest growing audience for your website. Your new WordPress content can be automatically posted to your social accounts, turning your site into an automatic syndication machine.
SEO Tools
Don't let your site suffer from anything less than the optimal search engine settings. Our tools automatically generate search engine friendly data or you can fine tune your SEO information on demand as needed for any page or post on your WordPress site.
Harness the power of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising with Adsense to let your site generate revenue for you. Perfect for news sites, review sites and anyone that are looking for ways to monetize their sites.
Can't get a new feature, function or plugin to work with your site? We know how to find and resolve the roadblocks fast, letting you get back to business. Allow us to do the heavy lifting and get thing running smoothly without the frustration.
Hosting & Registration
If you are in the market for your first or new hosting services, we can assess your needs and find the best match of features and value. Combine this service with our Design & Development services and it is complimentary!
One of the greatest things about WordPress is the ability for developers to "extend" its features and functions. Is there something your site isn't doing? Some "killer app" that would make your life so much easier?
Relations Tools
Communicate with and manage your visitors. Contact forms to manage efficient dialog with your visitor, lead-generation for sales, even manage mailing lists for newsletters or advertising efforts. You can't afford to miss an opportunity to get your message out there.
You can't afford to alienate your audience, but setting up and maintaining multiple websites in various languages can be a huge investment of time and resources. Your visitors can pick these translated versions, or you can link to them when targeting specific demographics.
Has your site been compromised? Need to proactively "harden" your site beyond the robust level already offered by WordPress' core functions? We can make AND implement solutions to take the security of your content management system to the next level.
Current hosting solution just not cutting it? Not only can we help you find a new home for your site, but we perform the technical aspects of the migration as well. Full backups and precision launch windows take all the worries out of moving.
Monitor your site's performance and visitor behavior in minute detail with Google's robust Analytics service. Learn what works and what doesn't so you can dedicate your energy where it pays off most.
Gallery & Portfolios
Photography, work examples, art, you name it; we offer enhanced gallery functionality that allows you to present your images in an attractive and compelling format. Why settle for dull, boring interfaces when you can have professional quality galleries?
And more!
Don't see what you're looking for or need additional information on one of our Services? With WordPress the possibilities are almost endless. Contact us obligation free.