The WordPress community is one of the most prolific and generous groups in the open source community. There are countless themes and plugins all available for no more than the recognition of improving the form and functionality of a platform they believe in. So what happens when a few bad apples decide to take advantage […]
Tag: <span>Free</span>
One evolution of the “blog” model has been the rise of New Media outlets. Content Management Systems have placed the power to publish on the internet in the hands of a broader and broader segment of the online community. One manifestation of this is the rise of virtual newspapers and magazines specializing in just about […]
Absolum is free WordPress template from the designer(s) at Theme 4 Press. This theme is deceptively simple at a glance, but is actually packed with several options and nice touches that aren’t immediately visible in the demo page. Firstly, the innocuous looking masthead is actually an automated slider which cycles through Posts allowing space conscious […]
AJ Clarke over at WP Explorer has recently released a Free theme called Modern Blogger. I had the opportunity to take it for a test ride and I was really impressed. Free themes are very common in the WordPress community, but WP Explorer really raises the bar. “Modern Blogger” features subtle multi-level drop down windows […]